Friday 15 February 2019

My Favorite App/Website

As we surge further into the age of technology, new advancements to improve peoples everyday life come up every day. A favorite app of mine that I enjoy using is “DoorDash.” According to its web page, “DoorDash is a technology company that connects people with the best in their cities. We do this by empowering local businesses and in turn, generate new ways for people to earn, work and live. We started by facilitating door-to-door delivery, but we see this as just the beginning of connecting people with possibility — easier evenings, happier days, bigger savings accounts, wider nets, and stronger communities.” To me, however, it is so much more than that. DoorDash allows you to have access to your favorite meals, while still being able to continue working productively. This app has allowed me to have relaxed in the comfort of my own home, with my favorite foods without having to brave the world after a long day of school and work. It has released the stress of trying to figure out when I will have the time to get my next meal between classes, or between my other on-campus obligations. I can not count the number of times I have relied on this service to make sure I got a full meal during the day.

While I know there is more than one food delivery service available, DoorDash is my favorite because of the values they hold as a company. They employee drivers to help increase the income of minimum wage earning Americans. They also help support local businesses and according to an interview with one of their drivers “People Dash for a variety of reasons: to spend time with their kids, earn extra money, to pay for school, even to exercise and see the world.” All of these are values I support as a consumer, thus making them my favorite app on the market currently.

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