Friday 22 February 2019

Choice of words

Sometimes I wonder if a person is freer to say what they want now with all the progressive movement or do they feel more scared to voice their opinion. What if someone does not like their beliefs or the ideas they have, will they worry about getting fired? We have James Damore who was fired from Google and a schoolteacher who was fired from a Virginia school because of word choices. The First Amendment is about the freedom of speech and being fired over words causes one to think if the First Amendment is adhered to as it should be. Right or wrong, conservative or liberal, religious or not, the First Amendment is to protect the freedom of speech. Perhaps as a society, we should all practice proper word choice so that our freedom to speak is done with tact and eloquence. There is a way to get the point across without using disrespectful and hurtful words. Maybe now that we have instant media, we should take a moment before posting a comment that may later get us fired like in the case of a daycare worker who posted on Facebook that she hated working at the daycare and also really hated being around a lot of kids. 

In an age where social media is used for connecting with one another, we now find the issue of innocent yet immature statements and impulsively posting is causing people to lose their jobs. In 2005 roughly 5% of Americans used social media of some kind, and in 2018 it jumped to 69% based on the Pew Research Center. We may disapprove of what another person says but in America we have the incredible freedom to say those words, but perhaps we could choose our words more carefully when getting our point across.

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I thought the third group’s presentation about theories was fascinating. They discussed the Illusory Truth Effect, Confirmation Bias, Gateke...