Tuesday 19 March 2019

Eight Values of Free Expression

Checks on Governmental Power is an important value of free expression. Both the people and the press are part of checks and balances within the government. For checks and balances, there are three levels, federal, state, and individual, all keeping checks and balancing out one another, making sure one entity does not gain to much power. They all keep an eye on each other. The "individual' part of checks and balances refers to the press. The freedom of the press allows a citizen to be informed about the government's abuse of power. Once learning this information the citizen has the right to stand up and say no to the government, which can be done through speaking out. For example, this can be done through social media outlets such as Twitter or making a blog. Citizens can also stand up the governments misuse of power by voting the abusive government out of power or to change policy. 

The citizens of the United States have the final check on the branches of government. This is done by voting. Every two years the people vote on their Representatives, every six Senators, and every four the President. In addition, through these people voted into office they impact the composition of the judiciary. 

This is important because it keeps the government in check from making the mistake of trying to abuse their power. They know that if an abuse if made the media will share it with the people and as a result, the people will speak out against the government and if the abuse is bad enough use the ballot box to vote the government out of power. This keeps checks on government officials because they do not want to lose their power or be voted out of office.

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I thought the third group’s presentation about theories was fascinating. They discussed the Illusory Truth Effect, Confirmation Bias, Gateke...