Thursday 24 January 2019

My News Intake

Fox News 
I have the Fox News app on my phone, which makes seeing the information more accessible than on the website. When major news events happen an alert comes up from the app. An interesting aspect of Fox News is that even though they are a conservative network they have liberal contributors on a regular basis. However, when reading it, you still have to account for bias that could be affecting the articles.

Similarly to Fox News, I also have the CNN app, again making receiving the news easier through alerts. The website is user-friendly with videos covering news events. I find that it is an excellent way to stay in touch with what is happening in the country. 

Buzzfeed offers a lighter way to receive the news, while other news sources seem very dim. I would not say it is a trustworthy source of news. One should not go there for accurate news articles, but reading the other stories could be a great conversation piece. Buzzfeed does cover a large variety of topics; there is no limit to the intriguing articles you can find.

The British Broadcasting Corporation is a great way to get news about what is happening in other countries around the world. The BBC is known as one of the more trusted sites for international news. It also has a fascination section on scientific innovations or changes that are occurring on our planet.

I enjoy using Forbes primarily to stay up to date with business news and innovations. It can be assumed to be a valid and reliable news source because of its users and viewer base. Due to so many funds and investors using the news Forbes reports, whatever is reported moves the market. Even if something they report is not entirely accurate, so many people treat it as true that it moves markets in almost the same way as if it were true.


I thought the third group’s presentation about theories was fascinating. They discussed the Illusory Truth Effect, Confirmation Bias, Gateke...